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Benefits of aerobic exercise

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Ankit KanteCreated: Dec 20, 2024Updated: Jan 2, 2025

If you just stumbled upon this blog via Google and have no idea about what an aerobic exercise is, here’s brief summary:

A type of exercise that requires you to breathe in a lot of oxygen. The common term for such exercises is cardio. That’s because such exercises put stress on the heart and force it to pump oxygen.

This post is going to talk about the benefits of aerobic exercise. The amazing thing is you already know the benefits of exercising! The usual ones are weight loss, better metabolism and improved heart health. We are going to list some unorthodox and unintentional benefits of aerobic exercise:

1. Aerobic exercise reduces stress

Here’s a claim without any scientific backing: A lot of our health problems originate from stress. Everyone has problems in life. We face problems at work and at home on a daily basis. No one can run from them. We can only cope with them. So, it is important that we do activities that increase our tolerance level.

Aerobic exercise helps you feel good about yourself. Once you have exercised, you feel a sense of achievement. When you encounter a problem, you subconsciously tell yourself: “I am disciplined enough to exercise. So, I am capable of tackling this problem as well”. This feeling of confidence is what reduced stress looks like.

2. Aerobic exercise reduces screen time

How many times has your family members and the Internet told you that continuous use of phones and laptops is harmful to our body? Our eyes get weak and lack of movement affects our body in a negative way.

And you must have tried to reduce it! But, you just can’t let go, can you? Maybe your job forces you to sit in front of screens. It’s tough. It’s addictive.

So, here’s another non-scientific claim: Doing exercise, especially something that pumps your heart, encourages you to stay away from unhealthy activities like watching a screen all day. A single good habit can nudge you to avoid bad habits and become a better person.

3. Aerobic exercise reduces use of intoxicating substances

This is similar to screen time. Once you develop a good habit, your dependency on addictive substances reduces. You will feel less stressed and the need to escape reality will go away.

Alcohol and other stuff, then becomes a recreational habit and not an addictive one. You will be able to control its consumption in a much better way. You will either avoid it altogether or consume it socially in a limited quantity. It will no longer be used to numb you pain.

4. Aerobic exercise will bring clarity of thought

Imagine driving on a foggy road. You can’t see anything. And then suddenly you see the road ahead clearly with a sunny sky and greenery all around. That’s how you’ll feel when you will be less stressed and not hopped on toxic substances and habits. You will be able to think more clearly and make decisions without panic or fear. You will feel less frustrated with life and the people around you.

5. Inspiration for others

To quote Rumi,

“Yesterday, I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today, I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

You sometimes want to adapt a new habit and can’t do it. You look for inspiration online but can’t find it. When you suddenly meet someone who is already doing it, it automatically forces you into action. Taking up aerobic exercise as a habit can make **you **someone else’s inspiration.

The people around you will be inspired to take care of their own health.

Aerobics Guru Near Me

Exercising is a tough habit to build. It requires discipline and will power. Some individuals can do it on their own. But, most people find it hard to stick to a good routine. It's a good idea to find an aerobics instructor who can guide you and help you stick to a healthy routine. “Guru Near Me” is on a mission to help people find the right instructors in every field. If you are looking for aerobics classes near you, visit our listing page and select “Near Me” or a city of your choice.